Monday 12 December 2016

You Just Need To See How Nigerian Couple Practically Turns Their Wedding Reception Into An Entertainment Show (Video)

Just watch the video below and I bet you will be highly entertained

This is a very creative concept, very likely one of them is a  dancer. Quite entertaining... Read their love history below


Our first meeting wasn't exactly something fancy or out of the ordinary but it's a period we still look back to, all the time. We met at an all night rehearsal for the first time. His name wasn't exactly new to me but his face was. I remember thinking he was good looking and charming; I mean he was literally the ladies man. He had lots of girls swimming all over him, I didn't think I stood a chance.

Since we were in the same theatre group, it wasn't a hard deal to get talking to each other. We started off as platonic friends, I even remember him saying he was a twin.

I had walked into the rehearsal hall, saw him with a lot of girls chatting and laughing. I wondered how just one person could garner a lot of girls even in a room filled with other guys. He smiled at me as I smiled back when I noticed him walking towardme.

"Hello ma" he started

"Hello, my love" I replied grinning at his sacarsm

"So, I see you smiling at me. Talk to me, what's the grill? I know you know me"

"Hahaha" I laughed "by the way, how did you know I was looking at you?"

"I always know ma"

"So you are the snake Doctor abi, the best dancer, the waist whyner!? I heard a lot about you. I am Chizoba"

"I don't like to brag about my dancing skills but now that you say it, I can't help but smile. Chizoba is a pretty name for a pretty girl like you. You know, I have a twin. He likes Chizoba's."

"You are a twin?" I asked stunned

"Yes, they didn't tell you? Maybe one of this days, I'll introduce you both." And he winked at me.

I was thrilled by that! Luckily for me, he had a secret liking towards me. Unfortunately for him, I was just in my second year dating this pretty guy, so I didn't absolutely think he stood a chance.

However, my dating didn't deter him from coming close to me. After I broke up with my ex, I felt saddened. He talked to and with me and helped me get through it. I couldn't have asked for a better friend at that moment. Suddenly, he became my confidant and best friend. We talked for endless hours. I can remember the phone calls, the small hang outs, the friendly laughter and all without warning, we yearned for more.

Fast forward to when we started dating, that was like four months after I and my ex broke up.

"Dearie, I know we have been close friends for quite a while now, and I appreciate every moment with you but I'd love us to have something bigger than this." He said as he looked at me.

I smiled at him knowing what he wanted but still wanting a little chase. "So what are you saying? You know I am just recovering from a relationship?"

"I know dear, but we can start something new, something good." He squeezed my hands as he forced a light smile

"We have to take it slow My love, baby steps."

"Baby steps" he echoed as he kissed my forehead.

It was amazing; our friends were shocked, some were disappointed, others felt sorry for me. Some said we wouldn't end well, giving the fact that he was the ladies man and a likely 'player'. I turned deaf ears, I knew what my heart felt was sincere, I prayed his was the same as mine. Sometimes I doubted us, sometimes I wanted something more, other times I left it to God. He 

knew best.

Sometime in 2015, during our usual theatre group send off gathering, I was called to receive an award to which an alumni was to present to me. He happened to be that alumnus and I didn't understand why someone else wasn't picked in his stead. Just as I stood up to get my award, I saw him kneel on one foot with a square box. I swear, I was freaked out...I stared him in the eye as I heard him ask the expected question in front of all my friends and colleagues.

"Chizzy darling, will you marry me?"

I didn't understand the flush going on in my stomach, I felt I was going to puke, so I did what I knew best, I ran! Yes, I did and I remember my friend Preye, ran after me, caught me with tears in my eyes and brought me back to the spot he was still kneeling at, waiting patiently for me to end my madness and say yes.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked admist tears "what is the meaning of this, my love?"

"I thought this was the best time and place to do this. Now that you are through with school. I have waited long and hard for this day, dreamt about this day. Tonight, in front of all our friends, gathered here and now, I ask again...will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Be the mother of my kids? Bear my last name? Will you please, marry me?" He grinned widely

I was extremely mad at him for proposing to me like that, in front of everyone without first informing me but that didn't stop me from saying YES to him like I didn't mean it. He was my dream come true, he was my knight, my very own man. I can't tell how amazing it is to marry your best friend, how amazing it is to end up with him even after all the negative vibes I got, I thank God that he brought him my way.

Wedding details:
Date: 3rd December 2016
Venue: Ellicut Suites Abuja
Planner: @sculptorsevents
Video: @sammydigitprods
Music: @djcizle
Makeup: @bookielavida

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