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Wednesday 4 October 2017

You Need To See These Fruits That Can Help Overcome Stress

Source: goodrelaxation.com

Our daily grind definitely tires us and causes stress. When we feel stressed, our cortisol levels rise and our body’s natural reaction is to reach for carbohydrate-rich foods, especially sweets and desserts. But that is not a healthy habit – and it makes us fat.

Aside from eating small and nutritionally balanced meals that help reduce stress, snacking on fruits that kill stress is also a healthy habit to have. Whether eaten fresh or dried, fruits are packed with fiber, as well as vitamins and minerals that keep your body and immune system healthy and stable.

Here are our top picks for fruits that kill stress. All of these fruits are easy to find in the supermarket or in your friendly neighborhood store. So there’s no excuse why you cannot pack one or two in your bag, or stock up in your office or in your home kitchen.

1. Avocado

Although it is also has fat (so you better regulate how much you eat), avocado is actually a good fruit that is packed with both taste and nutrients. It has a creamy and delicious texture. When you put thinly sliced pieces on your sandwich, it adds flavor and creaminess to it.

In terms of nutrition, avocados are rich in glutathione which prevents oxidative damage to your body, lutein and beta-carotene for healthy eyes, vitamins E and B, and folate. All of these nutrients make avocado one of many fruits that kill stress. So start topping off your sandwiches with these!

2. Berries

Stock up on berries such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. All of these berries are rich in vitamin C, a proven stress-reliever. Berries are fruits that kill stress, as proven by many scientific studies. According to studies, fruits rich in Vitamin C make the blood pressure and cortisol levels lower, which greatly reduce stress. Also, eating berries leads to sharper cognition and higher levels of concentration. Eat this before your math test!

3. Orange

Oranges come in various varieties such as clementines, mineolas, and tangelos. But whichever variety you pick at the market, each piece is packed with Vitamin C, which makes it one of the top fruits that kill stress. Oranges are also ultra-portable, with its tough skin that keeps the edible part delicious and protected even if it takes a beating inside your bag as you commute to work or school.

4. Bananas

A favorite of gym-goers, bananas are also one of many great fruits that kill stress. Bananas are rich in potassium, a mineral that aids in stabilizing the heartbeat, keeps our body’s water content balanced, and infuses our brain with oxygen.

When our body feels stressed, potassium levels actually dip. So it makes sense to snack on potassium-rich bananas. Moreover, bananas also help relieve depression due to its tryptophan content, which helps make you feel relaxed and happy. Calming your nervous system are magnesium and Vitamin B which can also be found in bananas.

5. Mangoes

Mangoes signal the arrival of summer. Mangoes are also one of the best fruits that kill stress because these are abundant in B-complex vitamins, folic acid, selenium, zinc, magnesium, and potassium, all of which are proven stress killers. Moreover, these vitamins and minerals found in mangoes also help ease nervous tension and depression. During summer, eat lots of mangoes to relieve stress and fatigue. It can even help you sleep better!

6. Rambutan

Whenever you are feeling fatigue, reach for a few pieces of rambutan. Rambutan is in our list of fruits that kill stress because it calms our nerves, makes our nerve functions healthy and stable, and keeps feelings of fatigue and irritability at bay. Rambutan also helps keep blood pressure low. Among the vitamins and minerals it contains are iron, calcium, fat, protein, ash, zinc, sodium, magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, manganese, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, thiamin, fiber, and riboflavin. That’s a lot for such a small piece of fruit, right?

7. Durian

Although the durian fruit is famous for its nasty odor, this shouldn’t prevent you from including durian in your list of fruits that kill stress. It contains known stress relievers such as vitamin C, potassium (which keeps your heart rate and blood pressure stable), and B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B1, B5, and B6.

8. Jackfruit

Aside from being in our list of nutritious fruits that kill stress, jackfruit is also a top pick for dieters, because it has zero saturated fat and cholesterol. It provides loads of energy, vitamins and minerals, as well as dietary fiber. It is also a stress-reliever that contains a lot of B-complex vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and folic acid.

Moreover, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium can also be found in abundance inside this popular tropical fruit.

9. Persimmon

People with active lifestyles, athletes, and sports enthusiasts turn to the persimmon fruit as their top choice among fruits that kill stress. It is easily digestible and jam-packed with energy (through sugars). It also contains a lot of potassium for boosting the body’s energy and lowering levels of stress, tiredness, and fatigue.

Persimmon, whether raw or in juice form, is better than using nutritional supplements when you need a quick energy booster and stress reliever.

10. Dried apricots

Dried apricots are probably one of the easiest fruits to snack on. Widely available in supermarkets, dried apricots are also popular among young and old people alike.

Dried apricots are proven stress-killers because they are rich in magnesium. Studies also show that dried apricots act as natural muscle relaxants, too. Be sure to pack some in your bag for instant snacking!

11. Sweet potatoes

When you experience a tremendous amount of stress, you tend to reach for foods rich in carbohydrates and bad sugars. Whenever this happens, opt for sweet potatoes instead.

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene and a host of other vitamins, as well as fiber. Together, these nutrients work to effectively process carbs slowly but surely.

12. Pomegranates

Pomegranates give our body a great shot of energy. Pomegranate is a hyperactive fruit that keeps your heart in tip-top shape, too. It is rich in antioxidants which help keep bad cholesterol from oxidizing. And whenever it does, it has done its job of preventing the artery from hardening.

13. Lemons

Lemon adds that familiar and delicious zing in our foods. It makes our food taste yummier in a refreshing way. Not only that, lemons are also great for killing stress.

Lemons contain flavonoids which guard us from diseases connected with stress, such as sugar and high blood pressure. In addition, lemons are also rich in Vitamins B and C, proteins, and carbohydrates. Lemons also keep our energy levels up, and make us feel fresh and ready for more activities. A glass of lemon juice or even lemon waterwill definitely do wonders for your health.

14. Apples

Apples may be ubiquitous fruits, but they are nutritious and important for our health nevertheless. It contains fiber and antioxidants that relieve stress. It also contains a lot of nutrients that help prevent chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

15. Grapefruit

Grapefruit also helps you calm down and de-stress. As a citrus fruit, it is a great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is famous for helping people cope with the jitters. Grapefruit can be eaten in its raw form. But for a special breakfast to start your day, try eating fresh grapefruit together with some low-fat cottage cheese. It is an enjoyable way to eat grapefruit. Moreover, it also adds variety to your breakfast food.

16. Pineapples

This tropical fruit is not only famous for weight-watchers and dieters. Pineapple is also the fruit of choice when a person wants to calm down and kill stress. The not-so-secret component of the pineapple fruit is called bromelain.

Bromelain is a type of enzyme that soothes swelling, heals bruises and physical injuries. Pineapple also lowers inflammation and soothes feelings of indigestion. As such, pineapples are proven stress-relievers.

17. Papaya

Grab a slice or two of papaya whenever you need to calm down your nerves. Papayas are packed with powerful antioxidants. Among these antioxidants are Vitamin C and carotenoids. These act as natural shields that make your body build immunity against free radicals. Folic acid and Vitamin B6, which are found in papaya, are also nutrients that protect the body against stress and anxiety.


It keeps the homocysteine level in your blood under control. Moreover, folic acid also helps the body produce anti-stress hormones. Folic acid also helps keep depression and mood swings under control. By eating papaya, your body is also able to maintain the right amount of the progesterone hormone to keep you calm, cool, and collected.

18. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is counted as one of the world’s healthiest foods. For killing stress, cantaloupe is a good food choice because it contains a lot of Vitamin C. When a person feels stressed out, the level of Vitamin C in our body’s adrenal glands tends to drop down. Therefore, the body needs to replenish by eating fruits rich in Vitamin C. Cantaloupe is among these foods.

For the ultimate comfort food to combat stress and anxiety, start your day by eating breakfast consisting of cottage cheese and cantaloupe. Cottage cheese is packed with Vitamins B2 and B12, and eating it with cantaloupe is a sure way to dispel depression, anxiety, and stress.

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